<div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">Mod&egrave;le:</div>
  <div class="eI2"><h2><a href="http://www.ncmrwf.gov.in/" target="_blank" target="_blank">NCMRWF</a>(National  Centre  for  Medium  Range  Weather  Forecasting from India)</h2></div>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">Mise &agrave; jour:</div>
  <div class="eI2">1 times per day, from 00:00 UTC</div>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">Greenwich Mean Time:</div>
  <div class="eI2">12:00 UTC = 13:00 CET</div>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">R&eacute;solution:</div>
  <div class="eI2">0.125&deg; x 0.125&deg; (India, South Asia)</div>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">Param&egrave;tre:</div>
  <div class="eI2">Relative Humidity at 700 hPa </div>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">Description:</div>
  <div class="eI2">
This chart shows the relative humidity at Pa. In the forefield of a trough line 
as well as at and near fronts (Jets), warmer less dense air is forced to ascend.
As the ascending air cooles, the relative humidity increases, eventually resulting 
in condensation and the formation of clouds.This process is known as frontal lifting. <br>
High relative humidity at 700 hPa - equivalent to ca. 10000 ft a.s.l.  - indicates 
the areas of frontal lifting and thus the active zones of the current weather.
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">Spaghetti plots:</div>
  <div class="eI2">
are a method of viewing data from an ensemble forecast.<br>
A meteorological variable e.g. pressure, temperature is drawn on a chart for a number of slightly different model runs from an ensemble. The model can then be stepped forward in time and the results compared and be used to gauge the amount of uncertainty in the forecast.<br>
If there is good agreement and the contours follow a recognisable pattern through the sequence then the confidence in the forecast can be high, conversely if the pattern is chaotic i.e resembling a plate of spaghetti then confidence will be low. Ensemble members will generally diverge over time and spaghetti plots are quick way to see when this happens.<br>
<br>Spaghetti plot. (2009, July 7). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 20:22, February 9, 2010, from <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Spaghetti_plot&amp;oldid=300824682" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Spaghetti_plot&amp;oldid=300824682</a>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">NCMRWF:</div>
  <div class="eI2"><a href="http://www.ncmrwf.gov.in/" target="_blank">NCMRWF</a> <br>
This modeling system is an up-graded version of NCEP GFS (as per 28 July 2010). A general description of the modeling system can be found in the following link:<br>
An brief overview of GFS is given below. <br>
------------------------------------------------------ <br>
Dynamics: Spectral, Hybrid sigma-p, Reduced Gaussian grids  <br>
Time integration: Leapfrog/Semi-implicit <br>
Time filter: Asselin <br>
Horizontal diffusion: 8th<br>
 order wavenumber dependent <br>
Orography: Mean orography <br>
Surface fluxes: Monin-obhukov Similarity <br>
Turbulent fluxes: Non-local closure <br>
SW Radiation; RRTM <br>
LW Radiation: RRTM <br>
Deep Convection: SAS <br>
Shallow convection: Mass-flux based <br>
Grid-scale condensation: Zhao Microphysics <br>
Land Surface Processes: NOAH LSM <br>
Cloud generation: Xu and Randal <br>
Rainfall evaporation: Kessler <br>
Air-sea interaction: Roughness length by Charnock <br>
Gravity Wave Drag and mountain blocking: Based on Alpert <br>
Sea-Ice model: Based on Winton <br>
----------------------------------------------- <br>
 <div class="eI0">
  <div class="eI1">NWP:</div>
  <div class="eI2">La pr&eacute;vision num&eacute;rique du temps (PNT) est une application de la m&eacute;t&eacute;orologie et de l'informatique. Elle repose sur le choix d'&eacute;quations math&eacute;matiques offrant une proche approximation du comportement de l'atmosph&egrave;re r&eacute;elle. Ces &eacute;quations sont ensuite r&eacute;solues, &agrave; l'aide d'un ordinateur, pour obtenir une simulation acc&eacute;l&eacute;r&eacute;e des &eacute;tats futurs de l'atmosph&egrave;re. Le logiciel mettant en &oelig;uvre cette simulation est appel&eacute; un mod&egrave;le de pr&eacute;vision num&eacute;rique du temps.<br><br>
<br>Pr&eacute;vision num&eacute;rique du temps. (2009, d&eacute;cembre 12). Wikip&eacute;dia, l'encyclop&eacute;die libre. Page consult&eacute;e le 20:48, f&eacute;vrier 9, 2010 &agrave; partir de <a href="http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pr%C3%A9vision_num%C3%A9rique_du_temps&oldid=47652746" target="_blank">http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pr%C3%A9vision_num%C3%A9rique_du_temps&oldid=47652746</a>.<br>